Training Split
Training Split

I often get questions about what the best training split is. There’s really no right or wrong answer, as it all depends on what your main goal is. Are you looking for peak conditioning, increased muscle, or weight loss? You have to decide on your goal first.
I try to maintain my conditioning throughout the year and then shape my upper and lower body as needed while giving myself enough time to recover well in between intense training days. My training split is a three-on/one-off cycle.
Since I’m a fitness model in Los Angeles, there is no off-season for me. I’m a natural athlete and I’ve reached my plateau for muscle size, so I focus mostly on abs, cardio, and muscle conditioning to sculpt dense muscle tissue rather than just size.
This is my usual training split for one week:
Warm up: 15 min
HIIT: 45-min spinning
Most people call this International Chest Day, but I never follow the crowd. I do a lot of super sets, so it’s impossible to get any equipment on a Monday. Instead, I do legs on Mondays because the equipment is always open. Plus, it’s nice to blast legs and get them out of the way.
Warm up: 15 min
HIIT: 45-min spinning
Chest & back
I like to do back with chest to create more blood flow using the push-pull technique. I don’t go crazy on back, so my workload is about 75% chest and 25% back – enough to give me a pump in my chest and open up my lats.
Warm up: 15 min
HIIT: 45-min spinning
Abs: 30 min
I use this day as a sculpting day for my core and mix in a few corrective exercises along with some dynamic stretching.
Warm up: 15 min
HIIT: 45-min spinning
Biceps & triceps
Warm up: 15 min
HIIT: 45-min spinning
Back & shoulders
Warm up: 15 min
HIIT: 45-min spinning
Abs: 30 min
Yoga & stretching
My go-to supplements right now are the new Fierce Domination formula for a great, intense workout and BCAA Pro Reloaded to guarantee optimal recovery.
Stay strong,
Diego Sebastian
Posted In:
- Training/Nutrition
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