Life Is Going to Change

I had such a great time at the FIBO Power Expo this year, and I want to thank SAN Nutrition, my sponsor, for the opportunity to see my fans all over the world. And thank you to everyone who came to see me, especially my lovely fans for your all the love and your presents — OMG, you spoiled me! After this year, I know my life is going to change.

I saw so many tears this year at FIBO because everyone was aware it’s going to be my last Olympia this year, and it touched my heart. I understand my life is going to change, and trust me, it’s for the better. I know how difficult it is for champions to say it’s time to stop, and not many champs can say it when they feel it. I’m happy that I can catch that feeling, and I’m brave enough to make this decision. You are always in my heart, and I appreciate the love and support you’ve all given me through all these years.

So many of you have asked me how I’m able to stay in good shape while traveling all over the world. It takes a lot of work, but It’s really all in your mind. Have the mindset to eat clean and prepare your meals ahead of time as much as possible. At the very least, be sure to always have your protein powder or protein bars with you wherever you go. And you can always find healthy food anywhere you go if you look hard enough. In my case, if my hotel has no gym, I always travel with my expander so I can work out in my room. Those are all my secrets – there’s really no magic here.

I’m so looking forward to my next trip, which is to the Arnold Classic in Sao Paolo, Brazil. I can’t wait to see my Arnold Brazil family and all my lovely Brazilian fans. Thanks so much to Rafael and Marcella, SAN’s distributors in Brazil, for having me this year. If you’ll be there during the weekend of April 21-23, 2017, make sure to stop by the SAN booth and say “hi!”

With love,

Oksana Grishina